Dallas organizers for The 2022 Gay Softball World Series distributed $96,000 to six local beneficiary organizations in a Dec. 4 reception at S4 honoring GSWS sponsors. In an article in our Dec. 9 issue detailing those donations, Dallas Voice failed to note that $36,000 of that total was money raised by BearDance Dallas at “Grand Slam! The Official Gay Softball World Series After Party,” held Sept. 3 at S4.

The event featured DJ Matt Effect, DJ Mike EEE from Reddy Freddy (LA) and special guest Ra’jah O’Hara, a North Texas drag queen who competed on RuPaul’s Drag Race  Season 11 and in Drag Race All Stars 6.

“BearDance really took a risk working with us, knowing [Grand Slam] wouldn’t be an all-bear event, and they really made a huge impact on our giveback,” noted GSWS 2022 Executive Director Ryan Holdhusen. “I want people to know the support and huge contribution we received from BearDance, since they are locally based and give so much back to our community.”

Mark Trimble, inset above, represented BearDance at the GSWS sponsor appreciation party.

— Tammye Nash