A rally for the transgender community at a previous Creating Change. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)

Activists have to have fun so Creating Change, the annual conference that attracts thousands of LGBT advocates, will include film screenings, a stage production, gaymers night and more.

Film screenings planned during the conference:

Changing the Game
Raid of the Rainbow Lounge
American You Kill Me
Dead Don’t Die in Dallas

Dallas’ CaraMia Theatre will present a production of Ursula, a play that tells the journey of Nadia, a 7 year-old, separated from her mother after seeking asylum at the US-Mexico border. As Nadia waits for her asylum to be processed, she reflects on the difficulties she is leaving behind in Honduras and the new reality she is facing.

Among the offerings on Friday and Saturday will be GameNight space for gaymers. Then for folks who like their fun more IRL: What queer spaceship would be complete without a Drag Show and a House Ball?

The Creating Change Conference will be held at the Sheraton Dallas from Jan. 15-19. For more information visit Creating Change and go here to register.

— David Taffet