In recognition of Black History Month 2023, DVtv crew Corry Williams and Joseph Herrera recently spent an evening exploring Black excellence with the instructors and students of United Black Ellument’s Vogue Academy, a program of Resource Center. In the first DVtv Documentary, Corry and Joseph talked with Resource Center’s Empowerment Programs Manager Trés Brown, Vogue Academy instructor Jrock and many others to talk about the history of ballroom culture and the role it plays in the lives of queer people, especially Black same-gender-loving men and other LGBTQ people of color.

Thanks to Resource Center’s director of Empowerment Progams, Jalenzski Brown, who worked behind the scenes with the DVtv crew to set up the shoot.

Pick up the Feb. 24 issue of Dallas Voice, as well, to read Rich Lopez’s story on Vogue Academy.