John Bohannon

The El Paso Times reports that basketball player John Bohannon, a Lancaster native who just completed his freshman season at UTEP, has apologized for tweeting, “It is NOT cool to be gay!” Ironically, Bohannon’s homophobic tweet reportedly was in response to the “Think Before You Speak” PSA that aired during the NBA playoffs, which featured two players speaking out against anti-gay language. From the EPT last Friday:

Thursday afternoon, Bohannon followed with “to those who were offended by my tweet a few days ago. Didn’t mean any disrespect by it as I do not judge anybody by their sexual preference.”

And he added, “And would hope you would not judge me by one tweet. Thank you.”

According to Bohannon’s Twitter feed, he later suggested that his original comment was “taken out of context.” And Jim Buzinski at OutSports isn’t satisfied with Bohannon’s apology:

I will judge him by that one tweet and his lame non-apology: John Bohannon is a moron and has obvious issues with gay people. And being gay is not a “preference,” it’s an orientation. Perhaps he’s simply not too bright: He was suspended one game this season, his first, for what his coach said was a  “lack of academic performance.”