
Sean Baugh

Oh, those poinsettias. More about that in a minute.

The Turtle Creek Chorale is singing with new energy and enthusiasm this season. Jangled, this year’s holiday show is no exception.

Acting Director Sean Baugh has brought back the group’s sense of humor and fabulous sound. Just because “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” opens the concert, don’t expect to actually enjoy the song until you’re about to leave.

“I’m the Happiest Christmas Tree” alone is worth a trip to City Performance Hall, featuring a quick costume change and clever choreography. “Hard Candy Christmas” and “PC Christmas” are a hoot.

And the rest of the concert? That wonderfully rich Turtle Creek Chorale sound.

And those poinsettias? One for each member of the Chorale no longer alive. Five stand front and center throughout the concert representing members lost this year. Two were friends of mine, so Sean, as promised, when you talked about the poinsettias, you had me in tears.

Three concerts are left: a G-rated matinee on Saturday, a Saturday evening and a Sunday matinee. Buy tickets here.