From a CDC HIV testing campaign (Courtesy CDC)

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins announced this morning (Monday, April 20) that coronavirus testing is now available to more residents of Dallas County at the American Airlines Center and Ellis Davis Field House.

Testing “is now open to all grocery, big box store and other essential in person retail regardless of symptoms,” Jenkins wrote on Twitter. “Over 65, underlying conditions, healthcare workers and first responders also without symptoms. Others still need 99.6 fever.”

So that includes anyone working in retail may now be tested even without displaying symptoms. A person may test positive for coronavirus and show no symptoms. that person can spread the virus.

Anyone over 65 years of age may be tested. So can anyone with underlying health conditions whether or not they show symptoms. About a third of those who have died from COVID-19 with underlying health conditions had diabetes. All healthcare workers and first responders may test for the virus. If you don’t fit into one of those categories but have a fever above 99.6, you may test. Others do not qualify for a test at this time.

— David Taffet