David Bowling
David Bowling

Earlier this month, David Bowling was at Kay Bailey Hutchison’s office asking her support for ENDA. This week he was in front of the George Allen Courts Building talking to reporters who were there covering the same-sex divorce case.
Bowling is not gay. He’s a straight ally. He’d get straight married and he’d get straight divorced. But equality is important to him. He thinks his gay and lesbian friends should be able to get lesbian married and gay divorced and other people’s relationships don’t affect him. What does affect him is the attorney general interfering in someone else’s private life.
When asked by one reporter why he was there protesting Attorney General Greg Abbott’s actions in this case, Bowling was very clear.
“It is unconstitutional,” he said.
“They were actually married in Massachusetts so if they do recognize this divorce then they are recognizing gay marriage,” one reporter said.
“Beautiful!” Bowling said.game rpg onlineраскрутка сайта в поисковиках украине