Sen. Royce West met with community leaders over the weekend and sent the following response to his vote for an anti-drag queen bill. Look for a legislative update and comments from community leaders in Friday’s Dallas Voice.

— David Taffet


On Saturday, I sat down with LGBTQ leaders and District 23 allies to discuss my vote on Senate Bill 12. After meeting with leaders in the LGBTQ Community, I’ve become aware that certain activities targeted for prohibition under the bill’s language are not based on fact. The type of sexual performances articulated by Senate Bill 12 simply do not occur in front of children. I heard this loud and clear from both community leaders and the owners of commercial establishments in my Senate district.

I must admit that I am not a person who frequents bars and night clubs, and that I have never personally attended a Drag performance. The vote I cast on SB12 was a result of misinformation.

Had I communicated directly with trusted leaders in the LGBTQ community prior to my vote, I would have been better informed and would have voted against Senate Bill 12.

I tell my staff and law firm colleagues when they make a mistake, I don’t want excuses. I just want it acknowledged and fixed, and I am big enough to admit that I made a mistake with this vote.

I encourage my colleagues in the House to talk directly to people in their districts before voting on this bill, because you will find that the type of sexual conduct described by SB12, is simply not happening at Drag shows. Instead, this is another back-handed attack on the Transgender community and the LGBTQ Community at large.

From my earliest days in office, I have stood with the LGBTQ community, and will continue to stand with the community. I am proud I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act, and that I have worked over the years on a variety of initiatives to help my LGBTQ constituents.

Moving forward, I pledge to engage more with my LGBTQ constituents to ensure that I understand and better appreciate their views. It is important to assure them that their input, and the perspectives of all my constituents are taken into consideration as part of my deliberation on matters that come before the Legislature.

For more information, contact Kelvin Bass or Vince Leibowitz at 512-463-0123.