Brad Kimple is a Dallas realtor who lives on the border of Oak Lawn and Highland Park. He volunteers with the group Stop and Think, which works in cooperation with American Ailrines to oppose the repeal of the Wright Amendment limiting flights into and out of Dallas Love Field Airport.

1. How long have you lived in Dallas?

Always. I was born in Dallas, and I have been in the real estate business here for about 10 years.

2. Why did you get involved with Stop and Think?

I was watching what was happening with the issues around repeal of the Wright Amendment, and I saw the pendulum swinging too far in favor of repeal. I saw too many politicians people who had never even been to Dallas and had no clue what was best for Dallas trying to make decisions for the tax-paying citizens of the city.

3. What do you think is one of the biggest problems with repealing the Wright Amendment?

The excess noise. It is already intolerable. We have airplanes roaring over our homes at all hours of the day and night. I live just eight houses away from the edge of Highland Park. We have made investments in our homes, and not small investments, and I think the airport impacts the value of our homes.

4. What are some of the other problems you see in repealing the amendment?

We are also already dealing with clogged intersections in the area and with cars using our neighborhood streets as pass-throughs. For me, all the extra traffic is a real irritation, but other people have some real concerns about the safety of their children. I think the repeal could possibly have a serious

impact on property values. The areas around the airport are depressed already and there is already a problem with crime. The noise and air pollution are already unbearable, and it will only get worse. And who will pay to

improve the infrastructure leading to the airport? We as taxpayers will have to pay for it. On top of everything, the airport operates at a loss every year and has to be subsidized by taxpayers.

5. What is one thing you hope people will take away from reading this?

That everyone has the right to have and to express their own opinion. But before you make any decisions, learn as much as you can about the issues.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, April 28, 2006. angry racers online rehberiкак узнать место сайта в поисковике