Goodfriend and Bruant

Rabbi Kerry Baker, right

Rabbi Kerry Baker did the invocation in the Texas House of Representatives on Wednesday.
In his morning prayer, he advised legislators to treat everyone equally and watch out for those who are marginalized.
“It’s not enough to do what is good for the majority, but to do what is good for all of us,” Baker said.
Whatever could he have been talking about?
Baker is the rabbi who performed the first legal same-sex wedding in Texas last week after a court ruled Sarah Goodfriend and Suzanne Bryant should be issued a marriage license in Travis County.
Goodfriend works in the office of Rep. Celia Israel, but Baker lives in fellow Austinite Rep. Elliot Naishtat’s office. House members normally invite clergy who live in their own districts, so it was probably Naishtat who invited Baker to deliver the prayer, although we don’t have confirmation of that.
See this week’s Dallas Voice for an interview with Goodfriend and Bryant.