Even though they became internationally famous after The Matrix films, the so-called Warchowski Brothers — Andy and Larry — were notoriously camera-shy. They had “no interviews” written into their contracts. They were rarely photographed.

Then several years ago, we learned what may have been part of the motivation for their privacy: Larry was transitioning into becoming Lana.

Until 2008’s Speed Racer, they were still credited at “The Warchowski Brothers;” now, it’s just “The Warchowskis.” And their new project is not only long-awaited for itself, but for the emergence of Lana. And in a big way.

Their new film — co-directed with Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run) — is an adaptation of David Mitchell’s sweeping 2004 novel Cloud Atlas. The novel cuts across characters (including some gay ones) and time in a complex tapestry of interrelated tales. It’s a complex movie to summarize and get people excited about (even with a cast that includes Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant, Halle Berry and Susan Sarandon). So, to generate interest, the directors — all three — did a promotional video. Tykwer is on the far left; Andy W. is on the far right; and front and center? That’s Lana … the first time I’ve ever seen her. The movie looks fascinating (it comes out in October). I hope they took the “no interviews” clause out of this contract, because I for one would welcome the chance to interview Lana.