Prism Health North Texas has is fast tracking the agency’s virtual services to support North Texans in need of healthcare. Having already successfully launched their pharmacy delivery service, PHNTX is now offering healthcare at home via the telehealth and telepsychiatry programs.

PHNTX services available through phone and Zoom calls include established PrEP patient services, routine appointments, services for hormones, counseling and psychiatric medication management services, Project STEP, substance abuse, recovery services and Empowerment Connection meetings.

PHNTX also still has its doors open for new patients and walk-in HIV/STI testing.

Current PHNTX patients affected by the COVID-19 outbreak can receive telephonic screening, in-person diagnostic testing and telehealth follow-ups for COVID-19 related health concerns. The team has also created a list of resources for help with anything from daily life and coping to these changes, to food assistance, to talking to your children about the outbreak on their website.

PHNTX accepts any insurance plan and all patients regardless of their ability to pay. For more information, visit the website here.