Just got news through Rex Wockner that the Log Cabin Republicans have endorsed John McCain for president. They made the announcement at their Big Tent Event today at the Republican National Convention.
According to a press release put out by LCR, the organization’s board voted to endorse McCain by a 12-2 tally. Here is a statement from LCR President Patrick Sammon: “On the most important issue that LGBT Americans faced in the last decade — the federal marriage amendment — Sen. John McCain stood with us. Now we stand with him. Sen. McCain is an inclusive Republican who is focusing the GOP on unifying core principles that appeal to independent voters. Sen. McCain showed courage by bucking his own party’s leadership and the president — twice voting against the amendment. He gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor, calling the amendment ‘antithetical in every  way to the core philosophy of Republicans.’ He paid a political price for his vote.”
And LCR Board President Pete Kingma praised McCain as  “a different kind of Republican,” calling him “inclusive” and “a maverick.” While Sammon said Log Cabin has “honest disagreements with Sen. McCain on a number of gay rights issues,” but will “continue our conversation with him and other Republican leaders about issues affecting gay and lesbian Americans. We will speak out when there’s disagreement — either during the upcoming campaign or when John McCain is President.”
Watch for more on this story in the Sept. 5 issue of Dallas Voice.сайтподобрать запросы для сайта