Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS celebrates its 10th aniversary this year, and LSR organizers want a bigger, better event than ever before. That means more riders, more volunteers and more money for the three LSR beneficiaries — Resource Center Dallas, AIDS Outreach Center of Tarrant County and AIDS Services of Dallas.
But cycling can be expensive; the kind of bike you need to ride 165 miles in two days doesn’t come cheap. And that’s where the Lone Star Locker comes in. Folks who want to ride but can’t afford to go get a road bike — or who don’t want to drop that kind of cash until they are sure they’re going to stick with cycling — can get a loaner bike from Lone Star Locker. And if they raise at least $2,000 in donations for LSR, they can keep the bike.
But LSR needs bikes for Lone Star Locker. And you can help, even if you don’t have a road bike to donate. All you have to do is head to head over to the Rose Room at Station 4 this Friday night, April 16, for the Passion 4 Fashion Show benefitting Lone Star Locker’s loaner bike program.
The event is sponsored by Caven Enterprises Inc., Dallas Voice, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Linicomn Agency, Belveder Vodka, Spotlight Catering, Ambient Stage-Lighting, Inc., 77 N Motion, Kirk Watson & Neil Patel and The UPS Store at Lemmon and the Tollway in Highland Park.
Tickets range from $25 to $75. And you can go to LoneStarRide.org today to get more info and purchase your tickets.vzlom-pochty.comкак дать рекламу в гугл