Screen capture taken from video posted online by NBCDFW Channel 5.

A fire at a two-story apartment building in the 4000 block of Hawthorne Avenue on Sunday evening forced at least 11 people from their homes, A Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman said the blaze appears to have been started by a burning futon in one of the apartments, according to reports by NBCDFW Channel 5.

The spokesman said that a futon in one of the apartments had caught fire earlier. The resident had taken the mattress outside and hosed it down before taking it back inside the apartment, not realizing that it was still smoldering.

Dallas Fire-Rescue was called to the building at 10:44 p.m., and firefighters found flames coming from the building when they arrived. Crews on the scene had to call for backup at one point when the blaze intensified.

— Tammye Nash