Yesterday I suggested that Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst — who issued a hateful statement condemning a planned production of the gay-themed play “Corpus Christi” at Tarleton State University last month — was merely doing the dirty work of Gov. Rick Perry. Well, today, we have further evidence of Perry’s likely involvement behind the scenes.
Steve Hotze, president of the Conservative Republicans of Texas, wrote a note shortly after the play was canceled. The note was posted on the Web site of the right-wing blog Texas GOP Vote. Here’s what the note said:

“Greetings! Thank you for getting the information about the blasphemous, homosexual play, “Corpus Christi,” to Lt. Gov. Dewhurst. Please be sure to thank Lt. Gov. Dewhurst for issuing a press release condemning the play. With much appreciation for your support in this matter.
“We also owe a debt of gratitude to Governor Perry for his behind the scenes work to stop the play at Tarleton State. Ray Sullivan, the Governor’s Chief of Staff, was notified of the play on Thursday and after discussing it with the Governor, the necessary steps were taken to ensure that its performance was canceled.”

Despite the note, which was uncovered by Tarleton State student reporter Rachel Dudley, school officials continue to deny that Dewhurst and Perry had anything to do with the cancellation. Meanwhile, those same officials are blocking public access to thousands of e-mails they received about the play by demanding that the student publication Texan News Service pay $2,627.50 for copies of the records. Tarleton State has also suspended the Texan News Service’s access to the the university’s YouTube account, which was used by student journalists to post stories about the controversy involving the play. Shocking!!!

Hat tip: Texas Tribune.

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