Dallas Voice Senior Staff Writer David Taffet, pictured inset with his late husband Brian Cross, won first place at the Fort Worth SPJ’s First Amendment Awards for his story on Daniel Zarda, a plaintiff in the precedent-setting Supreme Court ruling in ‘Bostock v. Clayton County’ last year.

Dallas Voice Senior Staff Writer David Taffet has won first place in the Community Journalism category of the Fort Worth Society of Professional Journalists’ 2021 First Amendment Awards. Taffet was recognized for his article, “Donald Zarda recognized by medical organization,” published Sept. 11, 2020. Judges wrote, “This feature personalizes the compelling story of some prominent advocates for employment rights for the LGBTQ communities.”

Entries in the contest were judged in two divisions: print/online and broadcast, Each division was subdivided by market size, circulation (over or under 100,000) and reach (large print/online, medium print/online/large broadcast, medium broadcast).

Members of the Los Angeles Society for Professional Journalists judged the entries.

For a complete list of winners, visit the FWSPJ website here.

— Tammye Nash