Traswell C. Livingston III, president & CEO of AIDS Services of Dallas, left, and Yolanda Jones, ASD’s vice president and COO, accept a donation from Dallas Eagle’s Daniel G. Babb, second from left, and Marc Buehler.

The new Dallas Eagle, open only since Oct. 13 at 525 S. Riverfront Blvd., is already making its presence in the community known, presenting two donations recently to nonprofit organizations, according to operating partner Marc Buehler.

Management at the new club presented a check representing proceeds from the Eagle’s opening weekend to AIDS Services of Dallas to cover the cost of a new pergola at the housing project for people affected by HIV/AIDS.

The club also just donated $1,500 to Lost Souls Rugby Club.

— Tammye Nash

Dallas Eagle donated $1,500 to Lost Souls Rugby. Pictured from Lost Souls Rugby are Lost Souls Rugby Football Club: Bruises McGee (Todd Maria), Shayne Hernandez, Bryce Campain, Caesar Hernandez and Aj Tello, and from Dallas Eagle Mike Lovejoy, Graham Garrison, Daniel G. Babb and David Smith.