Author: Shawn Weston

Parker leads in early voting

Signs at Parker watch party Supporters of Annise Parker have begun gathering at the George R Brown Convention Center to watch results of the race. In early voting, Parker is in the lead with 51 percent. Only 500 votes separate...

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Voting light in Houston runoff

Turnout in the Houston mayor’s runoff race today is light. Few voting problems have been reported. Heavy fog and light rain throughout the day may be keeping down turnout at the polls. A Rice University poll released...

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Houston mayor's race today; results start at 7 p.m.

Annise Parker I am in Houston to cover the mayoral runoff that is taking place today. Annise Parker is running against Gene Locke. According to the latest poll, Parker leads by 13 percent. Results will start coming in after...

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Parker further ahead in Rice University poll

Annise Parker In a poll released by Rice University on Thursday, Annise Parker pulled further ahead of her opponent, Gene Locke. The Houston Chronicle reports, “A Rice University survey released Thursday and conducted Dec....

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Why I really, really, really hate (C)han(n)uk(k)a(h)

Dreidel Now, I know this isn’t going to sit well, but I really hate Channukah. It’s not that I just prefer other holidays. It’s that I really detest this one. Yes, I’m Jewish. My synagogue refers to me as the Chanukah Grinch....

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