This past weekend in Columbus we mobilized over 20 HRC supporters to join a canvass with nine Democratic constituency groups to get out the vote for our HRC-endorsed candidates. With over 50 canvassers, it was an amazing show of force and reminded me of the very best of the Democratic big tent—where all of our communities are acknowledged and respected. The groups represented at the canvass kick-off included members of the African American Democratic Caucus, the LGBT Democratic Caucus, the Veterans’ Democratic Caucus, the Latino Democratic Caucus, the Next Generation Democrats and members of the Somali, labor and faith communities.

Speakers at the kick-off included Columbus City Council member Charleta Tavares, along with the Director of Ohio Department of Veterans Services Bill Hartnett, and Director of Health Care and Public Policy for AFSCME Ohio Council 8 Marianne Stegar. They all reminded us of how important this election is—for our families, our jobs, our economy, our health care, our educational system—and our civil rights.  We cannot afford to go back to the scapegoating and failed economic policies of the Bush years. We must continue to move America forward.

To do that, we need everyone out on the streets and in our phone banks for the next two weeks.  I hope that you will contact me to volunteer:

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