Here is an email we just received from Freedom Oklahoma, Oklahoma’s statewide LGBTQ organizing, lobbying and resource agency:

The news is moving fast. First, let’s take a moment to tell you that WE LOVE YOU. Freedom Oklahoma is here, we aren’t going anywhere, and we are dedicated to supporting Oklahoma’s LGBTQ+ population during this pandemic. We are pushing our government, organizing our communities, driving resources to the most vulnerable in our communities and supporting all community members in the emotional effects of physical distancing.

If you are not already practicing as much physical distancing as your individual circumstances allow, we ask that you’ll begin to do so immediately. We are all in this together. P

We’re building resources as quickly as we can. Please bear with us, as this process is slower than we’d like, and we know many of your needs are urgent. If you have a need that we have not considered, please reach out. We’re here to help.

Freedom Oklahoma will not share any information with immigration authorities under any circumstances. We will not share any information with law enforcement without consent. Please let us know what other barriers to seeking help we can eliminate.

Here’s what we have so far:

LGBTQ+ Resource Guide

If there is anything LGBTQ+ Oklahomans know how to do, it’s organize in a crisis. To that end, this is an evolving list of community resources for LGBTQ+ folks to reference during this time of uncertainty and lack of government leadership. The resources range from LGBTQ+ affirming food banks to online mental health and crisis intervention resources, to how to stay connected to your community if you’re stuck in a non-affirming home. If you know of any resources not listed here, please email them to We will be updating the list as often as possible.

Oklahoma Mutual Aid Network

This network is a partnership between Freedom Oklahoma and other grassroots organizers and organizations, working to resource the needs of Oklahomans. Volunteers are working together to create simple, searchable resource lists by region and by need. We’ll have a form for expressing a need up shortly as well. In the meantime, check out the network, share your suggestions, and connect to your communities. This is a time to remember that all of our struggles for liberation are undeniably linked, and it is only through recognizing that link and working together that we will build the world we need.

Health care discrimination reporting

LGBTQ+ Oklahomans understand all too well the harms of stigma and unequal treatment in health care. It is more crucial than ever we not allow this to happen to our communities. If you or someone you know has experienced unequal care because of who you are, we are here to help. You can contact us here.

Here’s what we’re working on in the coming days:

Political Activation

This pandemic has made clear to so many what our communities have long known: Strong, organized communities must work together to push our government to take action. This work is vital, and while we plan to make major shifts in organizing to maintain physical distancing, now is the time to speed up rather than slow down. Look for information in the coming days on how you can pressure your government to protect LGBTQ+ Oklahomans during this time. We’ll also be focusing our efforts on working together to build political power that will far outlast this crisis and lead us into the Oklahoma our people need.

Community Connection Hub

Friends, you are not alone. Our resource guide is populated to some degree with ways to stay connected. In the coming days we’ll bolster those pages, creating spaces for our communities to stay in touch during physical distancing. From online versions of the trans and queer support groups you already love, to digital drag and other performances, we’re building a space where we can experience the joy of LGBTQ+ community and culture while practicing the physical distancing necessary to end this pandemic.

If you have an online or phone support group, are interested in recording digital drag (we’re working on figuring out a tip system!), digital comedy, musical performances, a webinar, or some other form of community connection, let us know here! We’ll be in touch in the coming days.

These times are unprecedented. But LGBTQ+ communities are resilient. Thank you for coming together, just as you always have. Thank you for being in community with Freedom Oklahoma.

With love,

The Freedom Oklahoma Team