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I’m not one to tell another professional how to do his job, but I am both appalled and titillated by Grant Kother, a zookeeper in London.

Kother is trying to raise awareness about the plight on Sumatran tigers, and since in August there will actually be a “naked race” to benefit the large cats (called “Streak for Tigers”), what better way, he thought, to drop trou on the job.

Screen shot 2013-06-05 at 11.56.51 AMAll of which is fine and good. (I think he’s grrrreat!) Except that … damn! He’s a zookeeper! These are wild animals with sharp claws and teeth who might perceive a naked man as, if not a threat, then at least a meal.

Still, I applaud Kother — of course for his interest in preserving wildlife. Of course in his dedication to a noble cause. But also, let’s face it, for his exercise regimen. If I had glutes like that, I’d probably go naked at work, too. That I don’t must be a relief to all of my co-workers.