crossposted on Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

Last week, it was discovered that the right-wing site World Net Daily is selling a discredited book which accuses the gay community of being behind the Nazi Party in Germany during World War II.

This week not only is World Net Daily continuing to sell the book, The Pink Swastika, but it is also trying to capitalize on the recent controversy by claiming that the gay community is trying to silence the book's “findings.” The site calls The Pink Swastika:

 a book that is disturbing, compelling and persuasive on its major point – that homosexuals dominated the German Nazi Party from its birth through its catastrophic demise.

It's a book that is vilified by America's “gay” activist establishment.

The Pink Swastika hasn't just been vilified by the the so-called “homosexual establishment.” It's been vilified by everyone with a working brain and seen for what it is – the latest attempt by a homophobe (i.e. Scott Lively) who has carried his vendetta against the lgbt community to the corners of the globe.

The biggest criticism of  The Pink Swastika is that Lively and co-writer Ken Abrams committed several distortions in formulating their theories. According to the site Box Turtle Bulletin:

Dr. Warren Throckmorton, an associate professor at the Christian-based Grove City College, has continued to add to his online series debunking The Pink Swastika. His latest installment is probably the most devastating, where Throckmorton catches Lively lying about his source information virtually red-handed. Throckmorton was joined in this endeavor by associate professor of history, Dr. Jon David Wyneken, whose Ph.D. is in modern German history with a focus on the period between 1933 and 1955. Together, they have undertaken a methodical exposé of Lively’s shoddy scholarship.

Throckmorton has written extensively regarding the errors behind The Pink Swastika, all in devastating detail.


Of course World Net Daily editor Joseph Farah  would probably disagree with Throckmorton. He claims to have read the book and found it to be accurate:

They say this book has been discredited,” Farah says. “But I've read the book and I've read all the criticism. The book more than stands up to all the attacks I've seen, most of which are completely baseless.”

However, based on Farrah's past and present history of exploiting conspiracy theories, one could easily guess that his vouching for The Pink Swastika has less to do with its supposed veracity and more to do with how much money it could potentially put in his pocket.

According to an article in the Huffington Post,  in 1996, Farah helped to promote a video pushing conspiracy theories about the death of Clinton White House counsel Vincent Foster at a pop.

The same article also says that Farrah is behind a cottage industry of exploiting birther conspiracies regarding President Obama (i.e. the notion that Obama is not a United States citizen) including the sale of bumper stickers, yard signs, postcards, and videos.

To put it in cynical terms, Farrah can be described as a sort of degenerate P.T. Barnum, seeking to reap the benefits of fear, xenophobia, and homophobia.

No doubt he will probably make his money and there is really nothing anyone can do about that. But the question should be asked just how many Congressional leaders will show up should Farrah and World Net Daily put on another “Taking Back America” conference.

We should all pay attention to that. It would definitely give new meaning to the term “lying down with dogs.”
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