
Craig James

We’ve suddenly been getting a flood of emails from right-wing groups asking us to rally around Craig James after his firing from Fox Sports. Maybe Hillary and Benghazi or Obama’s birth certificate aren’t raising the big bucks anymore.

Liberty Institute is representing James after he was fired from his job as a sportscaster by those left-wing liberals at Fox. So Texas Values is asking for a donation for what Liberty Institute is doing.

And of course, Liberty Institute wants your money, too.

Family Research Council wants your money as well, but that’s to defray the cost of your going to its website to send Fox an email while becoming part of their mail list.

All claim James’ firing was religious persecution. Ah, yes, that religious value of the right to discriminate.

James ran for U.S. Senate from Texas and, although he did his share of gay-bashing, he came in fourth. Not that the gay-bashing necessarily hurt his campaign. Ted Cruz did more than his share and he won.

After the election, James was hired by Fox Sports but was fired a week later, apparently because of statements he made during his senate campaign.

“We just asked ourselves how Craig’s statements would play in our human resources department. He couldn’t say those things here,” the Dallas Morning News reported they were told and Texas Values repeats in their email.

Really? Couldn’t say those things at Fox? Does Fox Human Resources ever tune in to Fox?