OK, so this is really one of those Facebook status updates that’s morphed into a blog post. So to my FB friends who’ve already seen it, I apologize for the redundancy. And for everyone else, keep in mind that it’s nothing but an overblown status update, but anyway here goes …
Where are the voices of our straight political allies in Texas calling for the repeal of “don’t ask don’t tell”? Has anyone heard a peep from any of them? I haven’t. Have you? Now is the time. This to me is a defining moment in our struggle for equality, and the outcome may be decided in the next few days. Where are Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Eddie Bernice Johnson? Hell, where is Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill White? Sure, our allies in Congress will vote for the repeal when it comes to the floor, but shouldn’t we be hearing their voices loud and clear at this critical juncture?mambabarреклама на телевидении цена