I'm not sure whether the story of Gilbert Moonuit, who says he's a premiere football league ref (though Google turned up next to nil), is completely fabricated or only semi-fictional, but self-described "aspiring filmmaker" Theodore Divanis insists this video is "based on a true story." Whatever that means. As we're told to believe, Gilbert is a straight guy who wants to get breast implants — because he loves boobs so much that he wants his own set to play with. Does this make him some sort of mix between heterosexual and trans? Is this a new form of gender identity we've yet to put a label on? He's got a girlfriend (supposedly a former lesbian) and says he misses the "man boobs" he had was he was younger and obese. Is this supposed to be funny? Maybe? I guess we'll soon find out: In the next episode, Gilbert goes shopping for bras. This could be great or terrible, I've yet to finalize my thoughts.


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