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Did First Baptist of Dallas Senior Pastor Robert Jefferss learn nothing when NFL quarterback Tim Tebow canceled his appearance at the church last month?

Tebow, known for how vocal he is about his faith, canceled his April visit to the anti-gay church after a media firestorm over his attendance because of Jefferss’ anti-gay sermons and comments.

But Jeffress is at it again.

Last week he explained that gay sex is like plugging a TV cord into the wrong voltage outlet in an interview with Trinity Broadcasting Network, Right Wing Watch reports. The comparison came after explaining that sex is intended for heterosexuals in marriage.

“He [God] gave the equipment to enjoy [sex] with. And said here is how it operates. It ought to be between a man and a woman and it should be in the security of a marriage,” he said.

Jeffress said disregarding how God intended people to have sex is ignoring the Bible, which he called the “instruction manual for us.”

“Well, it is my TV to do what I want to with it, but I’m going to blow that TV to smithereens if I put it in a 220 outlet!” Jeffress said. “The manufacturer made it, he knows how it operates best. The Bible is God’s instruction manual for us.”

Meanwhile, Tebow spoke at Liberty University last Friday about his faith an encouraged students to continue to serve God in all that they do. The anti-gay university is the largest Christian college in the country.

Watch a video of Jeffress on TBN below.