Just a quick annual reminder as many of you head out to do your holiday shopping: If you care about LGBT equality, you probably shouldn’t give money to the Salvation Army’s annoying bell-ringers. The above video, which explain why, was brought to our attention by Bil Browning at The Bilerico Project, who writes the following:

While many think of the group as just another charity, in truth the group is a religious sect that is notoriously anti-gay; you shouldn’t give to the Salvation Army this holiday season if you support gay rights.

When a former boyfriend and I were homeless, the Salvation Army refused to help us unless we broke up and left the “sinful homosexual lifestyle” behind. We slept on the street and they didn’t help when we declined to break up at their insistence. I’ve seen the discrimination the Salvation Army preaches first hand.

And below is a voucher from the days before YouTube when gay groups protested the Salvation Army by putting “gay dollars” in the kettles. Feel free to print it out if you’d like to revive those protests.