Screen shot 2016-06-10 at 1.04.02 PMOn Sunday night, Hamilton — the amazing, hip-hop musical tour of Colonial history — is primed to all but sweep the Tony Awards. Why the surge? Because it’s often years between truly culturally-changing musicals (the last was probably The Book of Mormon), and this one has tons of support. People love it. Love it. It can be scary. (Theater queens are scary anyway.)
So Dallas theater folks — among them Rob McCollum, Kristin McCollum, Jessica Cavanagh, Gregory Lush and many more — decided to offer some medical help for your Hamilton addiction… and it requires you put your tongue firmly in cheek. “Hamilaria” is the 3-minute video, a purported commercial for a treatment center (the made-up Weehawken Institute) that treats those suffering from #Hamilaria, the condition of constantly finishing sentences with lyrics from the original cast recording. Barely 24 hours since it came on YouTube, it’s already been retweeted by Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda… and you might wanna get on the ground floor and help it go viral. (Side effects may include spontaneous rapping, bursts of laughter and throwing signs with your fingers.) Watch it once, and you’ll be back… and if you don’t get that reference… well, you soon will…