Still 4The sensation at the Cannes Film Festival last May was Blue is the Warmest Color. It was an unlikely smash: A three-hour, sexually explicit lesbian romance directed by a Tunisian-born man. But it so impressed the jury at Cannes that not only did the film’s director, Abdellatif Kechiche, win the Palme D’or, it was also awarded to the film’s two stars, Lea Seydoux and Adele Exarchopoulos — a first in the festival’s history.

The film opens in Dallas next week (I’ll have a review on Nov. 1), but it rolls out in L.A. and NYC this Friday. So before if gets here, you can take a look at the trailer. And don’t worry — although the film is rated NC-17, the trailer is safe for work. (Check it out after the jump.)