The below video featuring longtime clients of AIDS Interfaith Network talking about what the agency has meant to them — using words like “hope,” “freedom” and “life” — represented one of the more poignant moments during Saturday’s Bloomin’ Ball … Sowing Seeds of Hope at the Hilton Anatole. So we were glad to get a chance to watch the video again after AIN Development Director Travis Gasper sent it out earlier today. (If you haven’t already seen it, you may want to grab some Kleenex before clicking play.)

“After you watch the video, consider making a donation to support clients like LaShanda and Samuel,” Gasper writes. “Just $20 can provide breakfast and lunch for three clients battling HIV/AIDS. Or donate $50, and provide a one-month unlimited bus pass, so clients like Billy can access life-saving medical care. Or support Dorothy and clients like her with a month’s worth of meals, for $125.”

On a side note, happy birthday to AIN Executive Director Steven Pace, who turned 60 the other day. Watch “AIN is …” after the jump.