Turnout in the Houston mayor’s runoff race today is light. Few voting problems have been reported. Heavy fog and light rain throughout the day may be keeping down turnout at the polls.
A Rice University poll released Thursday that gave Parker a 13 point lead was a poll of likely voters. A Zogby poll earlier in the week gave her a 5 point lead, but that was a more general poll of voters.
Supporters will gather tonight at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston to watch results.
In addition to Parker, six other races will be decided today. Incumbent Sue Lovell is in a runoff for an at-large seat. Lovell is also lesbian. Lane Lewis is in a runoff for District A, an open seat. Lewis is gay.
The New York Times ran an interesting article in today’s paper on the Houston race. They detail the anti-gay attacks that have increased over the last week.поисковое продвижение веб сайт ов