Equality Texas, the statewide LGBT advocacy group, is vying to win $25,000 in the Chase Community Giving contest on Facebook.

If you have a Facebook account, you can vote for Equality Texas by going here.

Each person can vote 10 times but cannot vote twice for the same charity. Equality Texas is encouraging people to also vote for “the equality slate” — all 10 of the LGBT groups that are part of the contest.

The charity with the most votes will receive $500,000. Nos. 2 through 5 will receive $100,000 each, and the top 100 will receive $25,000 each.

Chuck Smith, deputy director of Equality Texas, said the group was at No. 77 heading into the weekend but has since dropped out of the money to No. 104.

Voting ends at 11 a.m. Central time on Tuesday. Vote for Equality Texas by going here.