It’s about what’s best for the nation

JayNareyI­­ was dismayed by a recent Dallas Voice column by Metroplex Republicans President Rob Schlein (Oct. 24: “Vote for competence and integrity, not just party”) in which he suggested that voters should not ask whether a candidate or political party is “with me” or “against me” when voting. This is utter nonsense; of course a voter should ask this question when making up their mind as to who to put in important elected positions.

Schlein also suggested that LGBT voters base their support of Democrats solely on the issues of same-sex marriage and employment non-discrimination. This is also a ludicrous assertion.

While admittedly these are legitimate and, yes, very important issues for the LGBT community, they are not the only reason our community should vote Democratic.

And it is the Democratic Party, not the “Democrat Party” as Republicans like to refer to us.

Here at home in Texas, we are presented with a “once in a generation” opportunity to elect two highly competent women, Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte, to lead the Lone Star State into the 21st century. Neither of them are rabid ideologues, but pragmatists in their governing philosophies. Texas could use a little more critical reasoning and rational thought right about now to counter-balance the lunacy of the Tea Party and the Far Right.

Even closer to home, right here in Dallas County we have a broad field of highly competent candidates, from Commissioners’ Court all the way down the ballot to Justice of the Peace.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins has demonstrated exemplary leadership on a whole host of issues facing our community and he deserves your support for re-election.

Sadly, many Americans and even more Texans only bother to vote during presidential election years. That’s a grave mistake because mid-term elections are just as important.

Why? Because the U.S. Senate controls who is confirmed and seated on all levels of the federal judiciary and the U.S. Supreme Court. I don’t need to tell you how important the U.S. Supreme Court is for our rights.

Texas has one of the lowest voter participation rates in the entire country and  that is the only reason Republicans have been allowed to dominate statewide office for so long. You have the opportunity to change that this year by voting.

I can honestly say that I would be a Democrat and support the Democratic Party even if I was not a member of the LGBT community. Why? Because I believe that government has a very important role to play in our society.

There are all sorts of consumer protection and regulatory issues that I want my government involved in. For example: food safety, safe drinking water, education, and perhaps most importantly, in the financial and economic arenas.

Do you have investments or a 401k retirement plan? Then you want the government to require firms and companies to file and disclose regular and transparent financial statements so that you can make the best decisions when it comes to managing your own investments and retirement.

I find it ironic that the Republican Party wants to regulate your bedroom, but they don’t want any regulation in the boardroom. They’ve got it exactly backwards.

Government is important and we need an active government to make sure that business and private profiteers, hucksters and shysters don’t run roughshod over the common welfare of

“We the People,” as the Constitution instructs. We Democrats want the rights of all people protected, and that includes women, minorities, employees and workers alike.

No political party has a monopoly on competence, integrity or morals, but I know which political party has an overriding philosophy of doing what is in the best interest of the majority of citizens, rather than further enriching an already very wealthy few.

Most Americans are completely unaware of just how concentrated wealth is in the United States. The top 20 percent of households control nearly 89 percent of the net worth of the nation  (Source:

In the early 1980s, Ronald Reagan cut taxes on the rich in half, from 70 percent to 35 percent where they have largely remained ever since. During the same period of time over the last 30 years, we have witnessed a rapid decline of the middle class in America. Why continue to endorse and support “trickle down” policies that haven’t trickled down to anyone?

Join me in voting for Democrats this year by voting a straight Democratic ticket. Early Voting is ends at 7 p.m. today (Friday, Oct. 31), and Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 4 when polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Your future and the future of Texas is at stake.                            ­­

Jay Narey is president of the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 31, 2014.