Ways it could get better over night:

– Presidential support for full, unqualified marriage equality.

– The administration following Ted Olson’s advice on DADT repeal/appeal: “It would be appropriate for them to say ‘the law has been deemed unconstitutional, we are not going to seek further review of that.’

– Making ENDA a priority.

– Subjectively standing opposed to faith-based discrimination when it stymies LGBT people’s civil rights, and not acting as if these conversations are two-sided, equally-footed, doubly-merited “agree to disagree” scenarios.

– Letting gay people borrow Air Force One for our honeymoons.

Okay, okay — we’ll settle for four of the five. Someone other than Olson can provide the DADT advice, if that’s the presidential prerogative.


*One cool aside: “It Gets Better” brainchild Dan Savage gets a nod in the video tags:

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Good As You