In the first few seconds of this video, when Stuart Shepard refers to the “different opinions” that public school kids typically hear about sexual orientation (while displaying a GLSEN graphic), Focus on the Family tells you all you need to know about its contents:

Okay, so why wait for spring? Let’s talk now:

(a) The research from ALL. CREDIBLE. BODIES. OF. SCIENCE. does not make up a mere “opinion.”

(b) Separation of church and state is not an “unsettled issue.”

(c) Anti-LGBT condemnation based on personal faith beliefs is not an equal, public school “viewpoint.”

(d) Despite the remarkable resemblance in phrasing and look, Candi Cushman is not apparently related to (the incidentally very pro-gay) Susan “Cindy Brady” Olsen:

(e) While working to foster a climate that perpetuates myths, smiles and genial tone are not enough to turn intolerance into “true tolerance.”

(f) Deliberately misleading on what science actually says would not seem to be within the “model of Christ.”

And most importantly: (g) LGBT people’s worth as human beings is not up for “dialogue”!

If the Bradys were around today, they’d surely agree.



Candi Cushman’s ‘loving and respectful’ dialogue: Perhaps, unless you love and respect the fair presentation of credible science [G-A-Y]

‘Day of Dialogue’: Focus’ latest attempt to have it both ways [G-A-Y]

Good As You