A little after midnight on the New Year’s Even/New Year’s Day transition, an unexpected email hit this writer’s iPhone. It was from a Rhode Island state senator, emailing to say that he plans to proudly vote in favor of marriage equality. A good way to start 2011 (Especially when coupled with yummy Praline Bourbon cocktail I was drinking when I read it. It’s just a good quality bourbon, on the rocks, splashed with a bit of Monin praline syrup. Seriously — a def recommend!).

Now, thanks to a friendly new state governor, that senator’s anecdotal support might just translate into greater civil peace:

Watch: R.I. Governor Lincoln Chafee Calls for Marriage Equality in Inaugural Address [Towle]


*REMINDER: Rhode Islanders, contact your state senators. NOM already did the grunt work for you.

Good As You