This just in: The Senate Judiciary Committee in the Pennsylvania Legislature has defeated Senate Bill 707, which would have banned same-sex marriage in that state.
According to an announcement sent out by Sen. Daylin Leach, an LGBT ally in the Pennsylvania Legislature, this vote comes just two years after the same committee voted 10-4 in favor of a similar bill.
Leach said: “Since then there has been only one change in personnel on the committee. However, after speaking with my colleagues, I found that several members had grown increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of Pennsylvania continuing to discriminate against gay and lesbian couples and denying them the right to live in peace, dignity and equality.”
Leach credited SB 707’s defeat to a “bipartisan coalition,” and that he looks forward to “redoubling our efforts to bring full marriage equality to our great state.”
John Wright blogged yesterday about this newest effort to ban gay marriage in his home state. Read that post here.gde-telefon.ruкак определить тиц