Looking for something unique to give a voracious reader that’s not same ol’, same ol’? Here are some ideas.

Who’s not interested in Hollywood scandals? You’ll get a big smile when you wrap up Full Service by Scotty Bowers. This book is filled with OMG moments, featuring yesterday’s stars and the man who knew them (all too well). Another biography you may want to wrap up is Inside the Vortex by Justin Hernandez. It’s a series of personal essays on life, dating, living, and surviving from the creator of the blog Naked in New York City.

Your novel lover enjoys a good mystery, too, so he’ll love Third You Die by Scott Sherman. This whodunit, the third in the series, features former callboy and part-time P.I. Kevin Conner in yet another sleuthfest, this time a gay porn sensation who took a short swim in a long river. Also look for The Mile by Robert Lennon. It’s the story of a man who tires of the way his life is going and decides to step up his running game. Will there also be love to chase?

The mom who just learned the truth about her child will love reading Mom Knows: Reflections on Love, Gay Pride, and Taking Action by Catherine Tuerk. This book is part biography, part essay, and — for LGBT parents — all reassuring, with a dose of charm. And speaking of Mom, Riding Fury Home by Chana Wilson is the story of Wilson’s childhood with a mother who endured attempted “cures” for her lesbianism back in the 1950s. It’s frightening, sobering and surprisingly joyful in places.

For the giftee who’s a fan of art and nude paintings, then Gorgeous Gallery: The Best in Gay Erotic Art by David Leddick is a must-wrap. Filled with beautiful artwork from centuries ago to the present, in several different mediums including photography, this book from Bruno Gmunder might be just what you need for that special someone on your list … as long is he’s over 18.