April 1 is national Census Day. If you haven’t already filled out your census form, please do so today. You can return it by mail, online or by phone. The Census Bureau’s preference is to receive the information online, which saves them time and money.

The census is used for a variety of things including political representation, funding for schools, hospitals and fire departments.

All the information is confidential and is released only as statistics. Everyone is counted, whether you are a citizen or not. Everyone living in your household should be counted.

And for all of you constitutionalists, it’s mandated in the U.S. Constitution.

President Barack Obama tweeted this morning, “It’s Census Day and we all have a crucial role to play. Filling out the 2020 Census determines what the next decade will look like for your community: your roads, health care, schools, representation and more. Takes a few minutes by mail, phone or online.”

— David Taffet