Timing is not on my side this week. With the family’s early Christmas celebration last Sunday, I banked on getting shopping done for the BF all this week. But sniffles, fever and coughs snuck in and took a dump on my plans for  shopping excursions which were completely mapped out. It’s crunch time and I have to time my 12-hour extended release medicine just right for optimal clarity. But, I did find a couple of gift guides after the jump geared to my procrastinating brethren in similar situations.

The Bilerico Project posted The Last Minute Gay Geeks Gift Guide filled with a whole bunch of techie stuff for the electronically inclined. Clearly, geeks love them some high-end gifts. These were a bit out of my budget but I’m bookmarking the cool looking panini press.
Over at X-tra’s Where Queers Conspire site, the offer this last minute tip to give to “the gay who has everything.” It’s on the sentimental and sweet side and may jsut be part of my stocking stuffer items.
These tips from MSNBC made me feel better about some of the direction I was going in. Plus, I’m digging their tip to actually brave shopping on the 24th.
And these guys took their gay gift giving a little too seriously.
Be that as it may, I’ll still probably end up at Target with a frantic look and a hand basket of good intentions and random WTF gifts. See  you there!оптимизация интернет сайтов