crossposted on Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

I'm still a little lightheaded after seeing this:

This is from Operation Black Storm. You won't believe it but it's a pitch to elect black conservatives to Congress.

From People for the American Way:

Patriot PAC has unveiled Operation Black Storm, a national coalition effort to unite the nation behind the 15 black conservative congressional candidates running in key districts around the country as Republican nominees for the upcoming November elections.

Helping to lead the charge among the Tea Party and Patriot movement in America for substantive political reform, Operation Black Storm will fight to fundamentally reshape the makeup of the U.S. Congress on November 2, 2010.

 . . . This coalition has put its collective weight behind these highly qualified conservative black candidates to provide the resources and exposure they need to win on Election Day. Coalition members helping with voter education and candidate scorecards include Break the Bonds of Tyranny, Unite in Action, The ConservativeMESSENGER, The Frederick Douglass Foundation, and The Black Sphere, among others.

And the kicker? On the website under the above videos are the pictures of the 15 black conservatives wanting to be elected behind this mess. Call it what you want, but I say it's an endorsement of the insane, paranoid message in the video.

And by the way, this isn't a joke. There are legitimate organizations pushing this. The Frederick Douglass Foundation claims to be

 . . . a public policy and educational organization which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. We are a collection of pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today's problems with the assistance of elected officials, scholars from universities and colleges and community activist.

Black Sphere is an extreme right-wing blog/organization.

And Conservative Messenger seems to be an organization run by one man, K. Carl Smith, who “claims” to espouse the free labor system of government

Quite simply, this is the most God-awful piece of crap I have ever seen in my life. It goes beyond the ideas of respecting black conservatives simply because they have a difference of opinion when it comes to the majority of the African-American community when it comes to the ballot box.

It's like a mad scientist crossed the DNA of a stereotypical Uncle Tom with that of a stereotypical House Negro, made clones, weaned them all on Fox News and then sent them out loose in the world.

I think we need holy water and 15 copies of The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

If that doesn't work, nothing will.


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