Three different official investigations — one by TABC, one by the Fort Worth Police Department and one by the U.S. Attorney General. That means that people who were there that night and saw all or part of what happened are being asked to give their testimony about what they saw to as many as three different agencies.
But to make that somewhat daunting task easier, activists in Fort Worth have arranged two “statement gathering events,” both in the fellowship hall at Celebration Community Church. One is from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. today (Tuesday) and the other is 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday. You can even go online to to find tools to help you get your testimony organized before you even get there.
They have PDF downloads that include a diagram of the bar so you can mark where you were when the raid occurred and a list of specific questions that will help you focus your memories and give a more accurate description of what you saw.
They have also asked that no media attend the two sessions, allowing those who don’t want their identity known to have a degree of anonymity, and organizers have noted that you can give your testimony anonymously as well.
Celebration Community Church is located at 908 Pennsylvania Ave. Investigating officers from all three ongoing investigations will be in attendance along with free legal representatives to help advise you in giving your statement or to join you while you do so. If you have any concerns about anonymity or avoiding media coverage, please contact Pastor Carol West at 817-437-2233. If you have any questions regarding the witness process or the details of these two events, contact Tom Anable at 817-269-8399.сайтконтекстная реклама яндекс гугл