This just in from Fort Worth: The Texas Wesleyan Gay Straight Alliance will be host for a presentation featuring a representative from MoSAIC — Methodist Students for an All-Inclusive Church — who will talk about giving full clergy rights to openly gay and lesbian clergy candidates, and Dr. Bruce McDonald, a religion professor at Texas Wesleyan, who opposes such action.
Organizers stress the event is NOT a debate but is simply an effort to “educate all those who attend on one of the most sensationalized dilemmas facing the UMC today.”
The event will be held at noon on Friday, April 25, on the first floor of West Library in the Orientation Room.
The university is at 1201 Wesleyan St. in Fort Worth. You can get directions at the Web site,написать текст по кругуконтекстная реклама гуглэдворд