This week, the Wyoming House Judicial Committee passed 6 votes to 3, SJ 5, a measure to place a constitutional amendment on the 2012 ballot barring same-sex marriage. Passed by the full Senate last week, the bill is expected to be voted on by the full House in the coming days. Now is your chance to tell your representatives in Wyoming to do the right thing.

HB 74, which would prevent same-sex marriages performed in other states from being recognized in Wyoming has passed the House and is on its way to the Senate. Make sure your Senator knows that you support equality and urge them to do the same.

Both bills deny Wyoming families the dignity that comes from having their relationships recognized. No child of a same-sex family should have to grow up feeling that somehow their family is less loving or legitimate than their friends and neighbors.

If you or someone you know is in Wyoming, take action NOW by sending a letter to your legislators to defeat SJ 5 and HB 74. To send a letter to your legislators in Wyoming, click here.

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