By Jack Fertig


Pam Grier turns 62 on Thursday. The iconic actress helped defined the blaxploitation film movement of the ’70s with Coffy and Sheba, Baby. She resurfaced in Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown which she followed up with her role as the fun-loving Kit Porter in the lesbian drama The L Grier1Word. She came to Dallas last year to promote her bio Foxy: My Life in Three Acts.



Pluto and Eris, both in hard aspect to the sun, bring out everyone’s competitive streak, crank up the stakes and complicate the struggle. Communication is the key, which means you have to listen very carefully.


GEMINI May 21-Jun 20
You’re sexy as hell. So what? You really need to buckle down to work and think hard about the future. You may not like what your friends are telling you, but they have good advice. Pay attention.

CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22
Your imagination is a trap sucking you away from much needed work, but it’s also a powerhouse to fuel your ambitions. Stay focused. Your partner is there when you need attitude adjusting.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22
Get ready to lose an argument. Getting rid of something you’re sure of can be the best thing that could happen. Deluxe bonus: Being an open-minded good sport will be mighty sexy.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sep 22
Achieving your goals takes some shrewd maneuvering. Be careful whom you trust. Your mate has helpful insights, even if they are sneaky. Better ideas come while away from work.

LIBRA Sep 23-Oct 22
Explore new ideas to your health regimen. Competitive sports help keep you healthy. Competing with yourself counts. Keep it cheap. A library book can be better than a gym membership.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21
Verbal aggression helps you get ahead. A little creative writing —journaling, imagined dialogue or a short story — can help you find the words you need.

If you’re looking for true love, get involved in an arts program and let go of expectations. Keeping a love you have will require abandoning expectations and working some of your creativity.

CAPRICORN Dec 21-Jan 19
You come off way too strong in a turf war. The resulting argument exposes old resentments but starts a healing process. Well, it could, but that won’t be easy.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18
Struggle between your deepest desires and economic necessity feels brutal. A light, playful conversation with your partner  can help you find a way to afford your dreams, or find reconciliation.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 19
A siege mentality at home will not solve any problems, and instead make them worse. Same old tactics get same old results. Keep your mind on long-range goals and entertain new ideas.

ARIES Mar 20-Apr 19
Clear the air and get something off your chest, but how you do that can make motivations look nasty and bring similar results. Confide in your partner, or look for guidance from your boss.

TAURUS Apr 20-May 20
Give yourself room to vent. Everyone’s feeling the pinch. Economic problems are everywhere, but holding the pressure in and stewing silently only undermines your ability to cope.

Jack Fertig can be reached at 415-864-8302 or

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 20, 2011.