Brittney Novotny
Brittney Novotny

This week, Brittney Novotny filed to run against Fred Phelps-clone Sally Kern for a seat in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. I reported on the race in this week’s paper.
On her website, Kern calls June “sexual deviants month.”
Novotny is transgender.
Should be a fun race to watch.
The day after filing, Novotny told me that she’d need about $100,000 for her race and that she had already raised almost $20,000. She has no primary challenger, so all money will go directly toward the general election.
This morning she reported that yesterday was her best day of fundraising yet. She collected $5,471.
Most of it was from local donors.
“More than $5,000 was from Oklahoma — not outsiders like our opponent will claim,” she mobile gameанализ статистики сайта гугл