Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern

Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern

Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern pulled her bill from consideration that would have prevented school personnel from referring suicidal LGBT students to counseling without first contacting their parents. The effect of the legislation could have been outing students to their parents, possibly triggering a suicide.
Kern insisted pulling the bill had nothing to do with protecting the lives of LGBT students. The way the bill is worded, no student with questions about sexuality could be referred to a counselor without notifying the parent first.
Kern found out the bill would have the “unintended consequences that negatively affect the wonderful work of some 50 pregnancy resource centers across the state.”
So-called pregnancy resource centers main purpose is talking pregnant women out of having an abortion. Most provide little or no medical care and none give any assistance to mothers to care for a child after it’s born. Most will refer or arrange an adoption.
Apparently it’s better to prevent parents from knowing their daughters are pregnant, but more important is preventing the threat of parents arranging for their young teens to have abortions, which are so prevalent throughout the state with its massive network of abortion clinics — there are four including, well, none in Oklahoma City, the state’s capital and largest city.
And suicidal LGBT kids? Well, maybe Kern can reword her bill before the session deadline so she can narrow the harm she’s doing just to them.
Note: While we rarely cover out-of-state legislators as carefully as we cover Kern, this particular piece of work in the Oklahoma legislature gets our love because she referred to Dallas Voice as a source of evil in her book, The Stoning of Sally Kern, available from Amazon in hardcover, Kindle or Audio CD, and we love her for that. And why did we word the headline the way we did? Because it would piss her off. The alternative headline choice: Sally Kern really, really wants LGBT kids to commit suicide, but first she needs to prevent some abortions.