-He’s sent around a bevy of racist, sexist and pornographic emails.

-He had an extramarital affair that resulted in a daughter.

-He’s threatened to “take out” reporters who ask too man questions.

-He says he doesn’t want children “brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option–it isn’t.

-He’s accused opponent Andrew Cuomo of having an affair, with absolutely no evidence to support the deceit.

Or as the National Organization For Marriage describes New York’s Republican nominee for governor, Carl Paladino:

The NOM group says it supports “strong pro-family, pro-child” candidates, including Paladino, but also says it is not “under the control” of any particular candidate. [Buffalo News]

“Kids have enough to deal with already, without pushing gay marriage on them,” the narrator says. The New York version [of the NOM radio ad] urges listeners to vote for Paladino, who polls show is trailing Democrat Andrew Cuomo. [WaPo]

Yup, that’s correct: In NY’s gubernatorial matchup, NOM is seriously referring to Paladino as the “values” candidate. You know, because Carl opposes gays’ ring fingers, so therefore he’s a moral stalwart in need of unquestioned public support from social conservatives, one and all.

Stay myopic, “traditional marriage” warriors!

Good As You