I just received a note from a dear friend of mine in the Netherlands. I have a special place in my heart for Holland, as I bounced around there many times with my best gay friends in London, Cameron Purdie from Australia and Steven Dwyer who is originally from Ireland. I considered us “The Three Gay Musketeers” and sometimes “The Three Gay Stooges.”

Greetings to us from the Netherlands via my friend Robert van Lieshout-Hendrix:

Congratulations to the USA, finally you move into modern times by acknowledging the civil rights of gay men and women who fight for a peaceful and free world, allowing them to be themselves and openly talk about it. No more DON´T ASK, DON´T TELL FOR ANYBODY! ENOUGH ALREADY!

Oh, and if anyone happens to read this in Amsterdam and knows a Jacob Olinga, please have him try to contact me. Jacob was a professional chef at a restaurant near the Van Gogh museum, and actually came to visit me here in the states back in the late 90’s. Unfortunately, I’ve lost touch with Jacob, and have been trying to reconnect or find out what has happened to him.